Engage in Disagreement

Wow if this doesn’t DIRECTLY apply to interactions I’ve had lately with people who refuse to engage in face-to-face discussion, then either hide, or else smile and pretend like everything is OK through shallow or evasive conversation while they privately garner support in their personal echo chambers made up only of people who think like they do and stroke thier ego…

“If you cannot handle disagreement…you are making the country worse. You’re driving political polarization by failing to engage on the level of discussion…discussion makes the country better. But you feeling insulted and then whining about it…and then suggesting you’re a victim…that I’ve victimized you…–this makes the country a worse place.” —Ben Shapiro

Yup. What are you so afraid of? Freedom of thought? Considerations that are *gasp* different from what you’re used to? We’d both benefit from that kind of interaction! But no, even the most outspoken are the ones who are the most sore when someone speaks back to them…COME ON! Let’s be friends…it takes work–and respect, if you can muster it…

Scandal: A Low View of the Church

It is scandalous that so many believers today have such a low view of the church. They see their Christian lives as a solitary exercise – Jesus and me – or they treat the church as a building or a social center. That the Church is held in such low esteem reflects not only the depths of our biblical ignorance, but the alarming extent to which we have succumbed to obsessive individualism of modern culture … for any Christian who has a choice in the matter, failure to cleave to a particular Church is failure to obey Christ.

–Chuck Colson

Celebrate Pride


…the essential vice, the utmost evil, is Pride. Unchastity, anger, greed, drunkenness, and all that, are mere flea bites in comparison: it was through Pride that the devil became the devil: Pride leads to every other vice: it is the complete anti-God state of mind.

–C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity